Time, please.

I mentioned in a previous post that Confessions of a Young Man first appeared across five serial instalments within the magazine Time from July to November of 1887. So, recently, I've trying to find out more about this. To begin with, this Time was not the famous American publication to the cover of which American presidents aspire. (That was not established until 1923.) Time was a British publication, started in 1879 and published by the firm of Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey and Co. COVID conditions mean that I haven't been able to consult a physical copy of the magazine, but it has been digitised, so I have been able to get some idea of the contents. The covers describe it as 'A Monthly Magazine of Current Topics, Literature, & Art' and issues included articles, reviews and fiction. Looking through these, it seems to have functioned as an in-house magazine for Sonnenschein authors: Moore signed up with the firm at the start of 1887...